瀏覽人次: 3152


年度 老師姓名 老師英文姓名 研究計畫、獎項或榮譽事蹟 研究計畫、獎項或榮譽事蹟(英文) 備註
110 歐秀中 Hsiu-Chung Ou 大專生科技部計畫:上腹部手術後呼吸訓練對心肺功能改善效果:提高吸氣肌之功能 College Student Research Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology: Effects of respiratory training on cardiopulmonary function after abdominal surgery: improvement of inspiratory muscles functions
汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 科技部計畫"有無全面性發展遲緩幼兒之精熟動機評估,使用行為任務和問卷方式測 得:心理計   量及兒童氣質、發展能力、執行功能和參與的關係" (109-2410-H-468 -003)(109/5/1-110/4/30) Psychometric Properties of Mastery Motivation Assessments and Relationships between Mastery Motivation, child Developmental Competence and Participation in Daily Activities for young children with and without developmental delay  (109-2410-H-468 -003)
汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 110學年度第一學期學海築夢計畫-美國上州醫學大學物理治療海外研修計畫 Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: The State University of New York Upstate Medical University Physical Therapy Overseas Research Prorgram

汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 110年度教師專業社群-早療專業團隊協力組召集人 (經費:6060) Main Leader of Early Intervention Collolaborative Teacher Group (finanal support: 6060 TWD)
張恆誌 Heng-Chih Chang 跑步機訓練與高壓氧介入對暫時性中大腦動脈阻塞大鼠大腦塑性及D胺基酸氧化酶代謝之影響(110年度科技部計畫) Effects of treadmill training and hyperbaric oxygenation on the brain plasticity and metabolism of d amino acid oxidase in the transient middle cerebral artery occlusion rats (Ministry of Science and Technology Project, 2021-2022)
張恆誌 Heng-Chih Chang 台中資訊盃馬拉松場邊防護隊(110.03.07) 2021 Taichung TCCA Charity Marathon, Sports injury protection team, 2021.03.07)
黃郁潔 Yu-Chieh Huang 利用運動心臟超音波探討不同運動訓練對冠狀動脈疾病患者左心室力學特性之影響:斑點追蹤心臟超音波 (科技部計畫1/2) Using exercise echocardiography to investigate the effects of different exercise trainings on left ventricular mechanics in patients with coronary artery disease: a speckle-tracking echocardiography (National Science Council of Taiwan Programe, grant number: 109-2314-B-468 -008 -MY2 1/2)
黃郁潔 Yu-Chieh Huang 大專生科技部計畫:運動訓練對睡眠剝奪者在心臟自主神經系統上的影響 College Student Research Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology: The effect of exercise training on the heart autonomic nervous system after acute sleep deprived persons
陳彥年 Yen-nien Chen 彈性髓內釘於脛骨骨幹骨折固定之靜態與動態穩定度分析與評估(科技部研究計畫) Evaluating the static and dynamic stability of elastic intramedullary nail in the fixation of tibial diaphyseal fractures
陳彥年 Yen-nien Chen 台中資訊盃馬拉松場邊防護隊(110.03.07)

2021 Taichung TCCA Charity Marathon, Sports injury protection team, 2021.03.07)
李茵 Yin Lee 2021台中資訊盃馬拉松場邊防護隊 (110.03.07) 2021 Taichung TCCA Charity Marathon, Sports injury protection team. (2021.03.07)
李茵 Yin Lee 亞大物治志工隊召集人 (2021.03~迄今) As convener for volunteering team from department of physical therapy at Asia university (2021.03 til now)
李茵 Yin Lee 2019年全國運動會隨隊物理治療師 (108.10.19-23) As physical therapist for 2019 THE NATIONAL GAMES (108.10.19-23)
109 歐秀中 Hsiu-Chung Ou 能量電射改善化療藥物造成肌肉衰弱之效果探討:從分子機轉到動物研究(科技部計畫) Research Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology: The ameliorative effects of low level laser on chemotherapyinduced muscle wasting: from molecular mechanisms to animal study
歐秀中 Hsiu-Chung Ou 學海築夢加拿大亞伯達大學大學物理治療臨床見習 Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
歐秀中 Hsiu-Chung Ou 學海築夢澳洲西雪梨大學物理治療臨床見習 Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: Department of Physiotherapy, Western Sydney University, Penrith, Australia

汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 科技部計畫"有無全面性發展遲緩幼兒之精熟動機評估,使用行為任務和問卷方式測 得:心理計   量及兒童氣質、發展能力、執行功能和參與的關係" (109-2410-H-468 -003) (109/5/1-110/4/30) Psychometric Properties of Mastery Motivation Assessments and Relationships between Mastery Motivation, child Developmental Competence and Participation in Daily Activities for young children with and without developmental delay  (109-2410-H-468 -003)
汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 109學年度獎勵教具製作競賽-優良獎 (嬰幼兒發展故事)

Excllent Teaching Materials Award with title "The Developmetnal Story of Infant and Young Children Development "
汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 109學年度大專生研究計畫-比較台灣和美國幼兒之負向情緒和情緒調節之理解能力 (指導學生: 亞大心理系高瑜)

Comparion difference of negative emotion and emotional regulation understanding between US and Taiwanese Preschoolers
黃郁潔 Yu-Chieh Huang 利用運動心臟超音波探討不同運動訓練對冠狀動脈疾病患者左心室力學特性之影響:斑點追蹤心臟超音波 (科技部計畫1/2) Using exercise echocardiography to investigate the effects of different exercise trainings on left ventricular mechanics in patients with coronary artery disease: a speckle-tracking echocardiography (National Science Council of Taiwan Programe, grant number: 109-2314-B-468 -008 -MY2 1/2)
黃郁潔 Yu-Chieh Huang 新南向學海築夢澳洲布里斯本康復物理治療聯合診所見習課程計畫 Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: Pain Free Clinic, Brisbane, Australia

黃郁潔 Yu-Chieh Huang .2020 台灣心肺復建年會海報論文競賽金獎 2020 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Gold Award in Poster Presentation

陳彥年 Yen-nien Chen 彈性髓內釘於脛骨骨幹骨折固定之靜態與動態穩定度分析與評估(科技不研究計畫) Evaluating the static and dynamic stability of elastic intramedullary nail in the fixation of tibial diaphyseal fractures
陳彥年 Yen-nien Chen 美國麻薩諸塞大學洛厄爾分校物理治療臨床見習計畫 Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: Department of Physical Therapy and Kinesiology, Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Lowell
108 歐秀中 Hsiu-Chung Ou 學海築夢美國佛羅里達洲諾雅東南大學物理治療臨床見習 Overseas clinical observation program of Ministry of Education: Departmen of Physcial Therapy, Nova Southestern University, Florida, USA
歐秀中 Hsiu-Chung Ou 高良薑素對 UVB 所誘導的人類真皮纖維母細胞老化的保護機制:提高 Sirt-1 及抑制 ROS p53 乙醯化(指導學生:中國醫藥大學生科系洪心雯)

College Student Research Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology: Protective Effects of galangin on UVB-induced aging in human fibroblast cells: increase of Sir-1 and inhibition of ROS and P53 acetylation
歐秀中 Hsiu-Chung Ou 中亞聯大三方平台計畫:探討氧化壓力下抗老化基因與Galectin-3交互作保護內皮細胞凋亡與粒線體功能異常之機轉 CMUH-AU-AUH research grant: Protective effects of antiaging gene and Galectin-3 in endothelial apoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunction
汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 20屆台灣兒童發展早期療育暨以家庭為中心的國際研討會之醫療類論文特優獎 (2019/10/26) Excellent Award of Medical filed in the 20th Taiwanese Early Intervention Congress
汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 108學年度教育部學海築夢亮點計畫-美國內華達大學拉斯維加斯分校(University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 物理治療臨床見習

Overseas clinical observation program of Ministry of Education: Unversity of Nevada Physcial Thearpy Clinical Observation Program
汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 中亞聯大三方平台計畫-探究遲緩兒童之精熟動機、執行功能和活動參與關係 (ASIA-108-CMUH-25)

CMUH-AU-AUH research grant: Relationship among Mastery Motivation, Executive Function and Participation in Daily Activities in Children with Developmental Delay  (ASIA-108-CMUH-25)
黃郁潔 Yu-Chieh Huang 短期密集運動治療對冠狀動脈疾病患者之紅血球釋放一氧化氮機制與其流變學功能之影響(科技部計畫) The effects of short-term intensive exercise therapy on mechanism of nitric oxide release from erythrocytes and rheology of erythrocytes in patients with coronary artery disease (National Science Council of Taiwan Programe, grant number: 109-2314-B-468-004)
107 汪佩蓉 Pei-Jung Wang 科羅拉多州立大學教育系種子研究計畫補助美金10萬元 (107/07/01-108/06/30) Seed Grant of Education Department in Colorado State University (100000 USD)