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The perfect combination of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Therap
The ability to control one's bodily motions and the capacity to handle objects skillfully. Examples of those proficient in this intelligence include the actor, mime,craftsperson, athlete, dancer, and sculptor.
2.Linguistic Intelligence.
3.Spatial Intelligence.
4.Musical Intelligence.
5.Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.
6.Intrapersonal Intelligence.
7.Interpersonal Intelligence.
8.Naturalist Intelligence.
Frequency Entrapment
Brain wave resonance induction - can reduce the clinical symptoms of stroke / Parkinson / cerebellum
Upper limbs:
Intelligent AI assessment + virtual reality + physical therapy to improve degenerative limb function
Intelligent AI Assessment:
Body Motion Detection + Image Analysis
3D Game (Upper Limb)
Virtual reality + physical therapy:
For example:
big action drums (AI) determine the difficulty.
(AI) decide to fly or drive
(AI) Determine the difficulty Program