*a week* Virtual Exchange—Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Indonesia !

  • 2020-10-08

*1*虛擬交換印尼最大的自治大學之一-哈桑丁大學 Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS), Indonesia !



(Maritime Culture in Indonesia: Marine Resilience and Historical Perspective)

授課時間: Nov. 9 (Mon.) ~ 16 (Mon.)

授課方式: English–taught (Synchronous online delivery)

學費: Tuition Fee Waived

更多資訊: https://unhas.ac.id/intnews/summer-program-icp/

如何報名: 洽國際學院辦理

截止日期: Oct. 22 (Thu)

報名資格: TOEIC 550 ↑,或相關對等英檢證照證明。



UNHAS ICP has been designed for students who are not Indonesian citizens. Entitled “Maritime Culture in Indonesia: Marine Resilience and Historical Perspective”, the program covers some presentations on Historical Maritime Adventure, Pinisi Boat Production, and rich marine resources in Sulawesi, Indonesia.  There are also some interesting sessions on Indonesian language and culture, virtual visits to the fish market and Bira Beach, traditional dance tutorials, and seafood cooking demonstrations.

Students from all program levels can join the program. We hope many students can join us in this free, but high-quality, virtual program. The best participant in this program will have a full scholarship to join UNHAS ICP 2021 that will be held in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, next year.