年度 | 老师姓名 | 老师英文姓名 | 研究计画、奖项或荣誉事蹟 | 研究计画、奖项或荣誉事蹟(英文) | 备注 |
110年 | 欧秀中 | Hsiu-Chung Ou | 大专生科技部计画:上腹部手术后呼吸训练对心肺功能改善效果:提高吸气肌之功能 | College Student Research Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology: Effects of respiratory training on cardiopulmonary function after abdominal surgery: improvement of inspiratory muscles functions | |
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang | 科技部计画"有无全面性发展迟缓幼儿之精熟动机评估,使用行为任务和问卷方式测 得:心理计 量及儿童气质、发展能力、执行功能和参与的关系" (109-2410-H-468 -003)(109/5/1-110/4/30) | Psychometric Properties of Mastery Motivation Assessments and Relationships between Mastery Motivation, child Developmental Competence and Participation in Daily Activities for young children with and without developmental delay (109-2410-H-468 -003) | ||
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang | 110学年度第一学期学海筑梦计画-美国上州医学大学物理治疗海外研修计画 |
Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: The State University of New York Upstate Medical University Physical Therapy Overseas Research Prorgram |
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang | 110年度教师专业社群-早疗专业团队协力组召集人 (经费:6060元) | Main Leader of Early Intervention Collolaborative Teacher Group (finanal support: 6060 TWD) | ||
张恒志 | Heng-Chih Chang | 跑步机训练与高压氧介入对暂时性中大脑动脉阻塞大鼠大脑塑性及D胺基酸氧化酶代谢之影响(110年度科技部计画) | Effects of treadmill training and hyperbaric oxygenation on the brain plasticity and metabolism of d amino acid oxidase in the transient middle cerebral artery occlusion rats (Ministry of Science and Technology Project, 2021-2022) | ||
张恒志 | Heng-Chih Chang | 台中资讯杯马拉松场边防护队(110.03.07) | 2021 Taichung TCCA Charity Marathon, Sports injury protection team, 2021.03.07) | ||
黄郁洁 | Yu-Chieh Huang | 利用运动心脏超音波探讨不同运动训练对冠状动脉疾病患者左心室力学特性之影响:斑点追踪心脏超音波 (科技部计画1/2年) | Using exercise echocardiography to investigate the effects of different exercise trainings on left ventricular mechanics in patients with coronary artery disease: a speckle-tracking echocardiography (National Science Council of Taiwan Programe, grant number: 109-2314-B-468 -008 -MY2 1/2) | ||
黄郁洁 | Yu-Chieh Huang | 大专生科技部计画:运动训练对睡眠剥夺者在心脏自主神经系统上的影响 | College Student Research Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology: The effect of exercise training on the heart autonomic nervous system after acute sleep deprived persons | ||
陈彦年 | Yen-nien Chen | 弹性髓内钉于胫骨骨干骨折固定之静态与动态稳定度分析与评估(科技部研究计画) | Evaluating the static and dynamic stability of elastic intramedullary nail in the fixation of tibial diaphyseal fractures | ||
陈彦年 | Yen-nien Chen |
台中资讯杯马拉松场边防护队(110.03.07) |
2021 Taichung TCCA Charity Marathon, Sports injury protection team, 2021.03.07) | ||
李茵 | Yin Lee | 2021台中资讯杯马拉松场边防护队 (110.03.07) | 2021 Taichung TCCA Charity Marathon, Sports injury protection team. (2021.03.07) | ||
李茵 | Yin Lee | 亚大物治志工队召集人 (2021.03~迄今) | As convener for volunteering team from department of physical therapy at Asia university (2021.03 til now) | ||
李茵 | Yin Lee | 2019年全国运动会随队物理治疗师 (108.10.19-23) | As physical therapist for 2019 THE NATIONAL GAMES (108.10.19-23) | ||
109年 | 欧秀中 | Hsiu-Chung Ou | 能量电射改善化疗药物造成肌肉衰弱之效果探讨:从分子机转到动物研究(科技部计画) | Research Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology: The ameliorative effects of low level laser on chemotherapyinduced muscle wasting: from molecular mechanisms to animal study | |
欧秀中 | Hsiu-Chung Ou | 学海筑梦加拿大亚伯达大学大学物理治疗临床见习 | Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada | ||
欧秀中 | Hsiu-Chung Ou | 学海筑梦澳洲西雪梨大学物理治疗临床见习 |
Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: Department of Physiotherapy, Western Sydney University, Penrith, Australia |
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang | 科技部计画"有无全面性发展迟缓幼儿之精熟动机评估,使用行为任务和问卷方式测 得:心理计 量及儿童气质、发展能力、执行功能和参与的关系" (109-2410-H-468 -003) (109/5/1-110/4/30) | Psychometric Properties of Mastery Motivation Assessments and Relationships between Mastery Motivation, child Developmental Competence and Participation in Daily Activities for young children with and without developmental delay (109-2410-H-468 -003) | ||
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang |
109学年度奖励教具制作竞赛-优良奖 (婴幼儿发展故事) |
Excllent Teaching Materials Award with title "The Developmetnal Story of Infant and Young Children Development " | ||
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang |
109学年度大专生研究计画-比较台湾和美国幼儿之负向情绪和情绪调节之理解能力 (指导学生: 亚大心理系高瑜) |
Comparion difference of negative emotion and emotional regulation understanding between US and Taiwanese Preschoolers | ||
黄郁洁 | Yu-Chieh Huang | 利用运动心脏超音波探讨不同运动训练对冠状动脉疾病患者左心室力学特性之影响:斑点追踪心脏超音波 (科技部计画1/2年) | Using exercise echocardiography to investigate the effects of different exercise trainings on left ventricular mechanics in patients with coronary artery disease: a speckle-tracking echocardiography (National Science Council of Taiwan Programe, grant number: 109-2314-B-468 -008 -MY2 1/2) | ||
黄郁洁 | Yu-Chieh Huang | 新南向学海筑梦澳洲布里斯本康复物理治疗联合诊所见习课程计画 |
Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: Pain Free Clinic, Brisbane, Australia |
黄郁洁 | Yu-Chieh Huang | .2020 台湾心肺复建年会海报论文竞赛金奖 |
2020 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Gold Award in Poster Presentation |
陈彦年 | Yen-nien Chen | 弹性髓内钉于胫骨骨干骨折固定之静态与动态稳定度分析与评估(科技不研究计画) | Evaluating the static and dynamic stability of elastic intramedullary nail in the fixation of tibial diaphyseal fractures | ||
陈彦年 | Yen-nien Chen | 美国麻萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校物理治疗临床见习计画 | Overseas Clinical Observation program of Ministry of Education: Department of Physical Therapy and Kinesiology, Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Lowell | ||
108年 | 欧秀中 | Hsiu-Chung Ou | 学海筑梦美国佛罗里达洲诺雅东南大学物理治疗临床见习 | Overseas clinical observation program of Ministry of Education: Departmen of Physcial Therapy, Nova Southestern University, Florida, USA | |
欧秀中 | Hsiu-Chung Ou |
高良薑素对 UVB 所诱导的人类真皮纤维母细胞老化的保护机制:提高 Sirt-1 及抑制 ROS 和 p53 乙醯化(指导学生:中国医药大学生科系洪心雯) |
College Student Research Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology: Protective Effects of galangin on UVB-induced aging in human fibroblast cells: increase of Sir-1 and inhibition of ROS and P53 acetylation | ||
欧秀中 | Hsiu-Chung Ou | 中亚联大三方平台计画:探讨氧化压力下抗老化基因与Galectin-3交互作保护内皮细胞凋亡与粒线体功能异常之机转 | CMUH-AU-AUH research grant: Protective effects of antiaging gene and Galectin-3 in endothelial apoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunction | ||
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang | 第20届台湾儿童发展早期疗育暨以家庭为中心的国际研讨会之医疗类论文特优奖 (2019/10/26) | Excellent Award of Medical filed in the 20th Taiwanese Early Intervention Congress | ||
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang |
108学年度教育部学海筑梦亮点计画-美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校(University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 物理治疗临床见习 |
Overseas clinical observation program of Ministry of Education: Unversity of Nevada Physcial Thearpy Clinical Observation Program | ||
汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang |
中亚联大三方平台计画-探究迟缓儿童之精熟动机、执行功能和活动参与关系 (ASIA-108-CMUH-25) |
CMUH-AU-AUH research grant: Relationship among Mastery Motivation, Executive Function and Participation in Daily Activities in Children with Developmental Delay (ASIA-108-CMUH-25) | ||
黄郁洁 | Yu-Chieh Huang | 短期密集运动治疗对冠状动脉疾病患者之红血球释放一氧化氮机制与其流变学功能之影响(科技部计画) | The effects of short-term intensive exercise therapy on mechanism of nitric oxide release from erythrocytes and rheology of erythrocytes in patients with coronary artery disease (National Science Council of Taiwan Programe, grant number: 109-2314-B-468-004) | ||
107年 | 汪佩蓉 | Pei-Jung Wang | 科罗拉多州立大学教育系种子研究计画补助美金10万元 (107/07/01-108/06/30) | Seed Grant of Education Department in Colorado State University (100000 USD) |